The adventures of Mark E. Phillips (AKA the Walking Fool) as he tries to adjust to life after walking over 4,000 miles from New York to Los Angeles in 2008.
Friday, May 22, 2009
More Flats (Day 18)
I thought I'd make it to the New Mexico Border, but I ran into another bike problem that delayed that state crossing. Somewhere outside of the town of Bowie, my rear trailer tube got somewhere between 25-30 holes in it. After using up almost all my patches and half a role of garden-hose-repair tape I borrowed from a kindly gas station attendant, the thing still wouldn't hold any air. I finally managed to mend my other tube and was back up and running again.
After wasting all that time trying to fix my tire, I was soon running out of daylight. But I did manage to bike another 13 miles to the next town of San Simon. I then spent the next couple hours hanging out at the one and only truck stop, eating half-day-old pizza and watching Bill O'Reilly on the dining area's TV set.
I cycled around 39 miles today. CLICK HERE to see the boring details.
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I've decided you're the modern version of the game Oregon Trail. Now you need to start hunting rabbits and buffalo.